Top 6 Best Styles of Swim Goggles 2016-2017

It is important for every swimmer to find the right swimming goggles as they affect not only the swimmer’s overall performance but also the enjoyment each swimmer takes out of doing their regular laps. There [...]

February 17th, 2017|

How to choose a training fins ?

Long blade training fins The Long blade training fins increase leg strength and help you swim at faster speeds. Closed heel design provides protection for the ankles and increases comfort. 100% Natural Rubber are very [...]

February 17th, 2017|

5 tips for choosing the Right Ice Cleats

Do you love to run, but have difficulties running in the snow? If so, then perhaps you might want to consider buying a pair of ice cleats. The ice cleats are wore at the bottom [...]

February 17th, 2017|

Silicone swim caps vs. Latex swim caps vs. Lycra swimming caps

Silicone swim caps vs. Latex swim caps vs. Lycra swimming caps Lycra swimming caps: As they are made of the same material as your swimsuit, which is in fact a mix of Lycra and polyester, [...]

February 17th, 2017|